When most of you think of affiliate marketing, you immediately think of big, successful blogs and web pages designed to promote certain products for different merchants. While that is one of the most popular ways to go about it, and can be quite a successful strategy, many people don’t realize that you can become a successful affiliate marketing partner without a website, too.
As an affiliate marketer, your primary goal is to get your affiliate link to an interested audience, and there are a myriad of ways to do that without having your own website. Whether you do that through e-mail, discussion forums, blogs, writing articles for websites, or on social media, there’s an affiliate marketing niche for you, and all you have to do is find out what works best for you, and go from there. Here, we’ll be going over some of the different ways you can become an affiliate partner without the use of your own website, and how these can work for you.
Online Forums
Online forums can consist of discussion communities such as chat rooms, blogs, and discussion boards. If you’ve never participated in one of these before, doing a quick search using keywords like ‘forum’ or ‘chat room’ who’s topic of discussion is the products you’re promoting, the merchants or companies themselves. Once you’ve found one you like, become an active member of the community. This may take a little while, but people are far more likely to trust the word of someone they see as an online ‘friend’ or a regular on the forum than they are the word of someone who’s just randomly popped up in the forum for the first time. Ease into your pitch when you’ve become familiar with the forum and the people who frequent it; this will give you insight not only to the people you’re promoting to, but to the ways in which the discussions go, so it seems natural for you to bring it up.
Once you become familiar with the setting, you can even start your own discussion boards about topics which are relevant to the products you promote, bringing in people who are already interested in those products when they join the chat. Always make sure you familiarize yourself with the forum’s website, though, to make sure you aren’t breaking any community rules by posting your affiliate links to the website. Some forums do ban this type of posting, and the last thing you want to do is get booted from the community for breaking the rules.
This is especially helpful if you already have an established customer or client base, even if you don’t have your own site. The best way to do this through e-mail is to write an article about the product you’re promoting, making sure to include your affiliate link a couple times throughout the article. Once you’ve got this done and are happy with the wording, you can send the e-mail to your customers, or even friends and family, if you don’t have a customer base. If you don’t have a customer base and are starting out promoting to friends and family, ask them to pass the word along! A little extra help getting to a wider audience never hurts, and will help bring new customers to you.
A good example of how this works, but on a slightly larger scale, is retailers. Have you ever gone into a retail store or visited a retailer’s website and been asked for your e-mail address? If you do any retail shopping at all, chances are you have. They do this for two reasons: One reason they may ask for it is specifically when you’re signing up for a rewards program they may employ, but the other reason is linked directly to marketing. They ask for your e-mail, and unless you elect to not have e-mails sent to you, the company will then use that e-mail address to send you advertisements, sales, and promotions for their products. The only difference here is that you will be doing this for the company you are affiliated with, rather than them doing it themselves, and you get a percentage of the profits from each sale you generate.
Article Writing
Some websites with a general focus on articles will allow users to sign up to contribute content to their website. All you have to do is search for websites which allow this and fit into your particular niche, and sign up. When you want to write a review promoting a product, simply write an article about it using your affiliate link and submit or post it to the site. As with the online forums, you’ll want to make sure that you review the Terms of Service for each site you write submissions for to ensure that you don’t break any site rules or prohibitions; for instance, some sites may limit the amount of affiliate links you can put into each article. If you put one too many, your article may not be accepted, and you’ll have to re-do it in order to get it published, which means more work for you and time lost for potential customers.
YouTube’s platform has been steadily growing for a lot of different users over the past several years, and with good reason. It’s easily accessible, they make it easy to upload content, and as long as you don’t break any of their guidelines, you can post whenever and whatever you want. This method comes with a little extra work attached to it, in that it can be a little more difficult to get noticed quickly on YouTube, so a lot of self-promotion on other social media sites will likely be required. Make sure your content is valuable to your viewers, as they are potential customers, and if you’re just there for the sole purpose of making money, there’s a chance your video will be marked as spam. You don’t want that. Be honest with your viewers, give the best, most thorough review and promotion you possibly can, and make sure your viewers know you’re doing it for them, and not just because you’re getting paid.
These are just some of the many ways on how to be an affiliate marketer without a website, but if these aren’t for you, there are others out there; these are just my personal favorites, not to mention some of the most popular methods. The important thing to remember when striving to be a successful affiliate is that your customers, viewers, readers, etc. are ultimately the reason for your success, so it won’t do well to mislead them. Be honest, be up-front, be thorough, and you’ll do just fine.