Should you allow website commenting on your site? It’s a simple question, but the answer isn’t always immediately clear. You’ve probably been on a website or blog that had a long string of comments running beneath each post, including both positive and negative ones. To decide whether to enable comments on your site, you’ll need to examine the pros and cons. It comes down to your personal preference, but looking at the advantages and disadvantages can guide you through the decision-making process.
Here are some good reasons to allow website commenting below all of your posts:
1. It provides feedback.
By enabling comments on your site, you’ll be able to hear from readers about what they like and don’t like about the content you’re posting. If your site’s visitors respond positively to a certain topic or style, you’ll know to post more articles that fit into that category. On the other hand, if the response is overwhelmingly negative, you may want to avoid using articles with that particular theme or form. Readers can also provide advice on what they want to see on your blog or website. You can use their comments to come up with ideas for future posts and make your readers happy when you take their recommendations.
2. It can help you gain a loyal following.
When people feel like they’re a part of something, they’ll be inclined to appreciate it. If someone is able to comment and interact with you on a regular basis, he or she will feel excited about offering input. Your readers may even come to think of you as a friend or mentor, especially if you take the time to write a short reply to the comments of your regular visitors. Enable comments and you’ll gain loyal followers who will frequent your website or blog on a daily basis.
3. You’ll make your readers want to come back often.
When you enable comments below your posts, you may see an uptick in repeat visitors to your site. Sometimes people will comment and reply to each other. It’s easy for conversations get started and ideas to start flowing. Commenters may come back later in the day or week to see what other people have been saying or offer a different point of view. Commenting is all about keeping the conversation going and sharing opinions with one another.
4. You can create a network.
It’s easy to create a network of people you can connect with through comments on your site. Other bloggers may offer input and you can build relationships with them. You may also form bonds with people that could give your site a boost. When you interact with individuals who are active on social media, it can make them want to share your posts with their friends on Facebook as well as their Twitter followers. Successful sites focus on making connections and creating buzz. Allowing website commenting can help you achieve the high level of success you’re looking for.
Comments can be a great tool for your site, but they can also cause problems. Before you decide to enable commenting on your blog or website, you should know what the negatives are.
Let’s take a look at some of the cons of allowing comments below your posts:
1. It takes time to manage.
Moderating the comments on your site can be time-consuming. If your blog or website takes off and you start receiving hundreds or thousands of comments on each post, will you be prepared for it? Readers may comment and hope for replies from you. They might expect you to acknowledge their opinions and feedback. Ignoring them can decrease your readership, but responding to each one could use up time you could be spending on something else. If you’re pressed for time on any given day, you may want to think twice before enabling comments.
2. You’ll get spam.
Let’s face it: when you allow comments, you’re going to get spam on your blog or website. There’s no way around it. Some people will type things like “Make $300 a day with this easy trick” or “Here’s how to lose weight fast!” Not only is spam annoying, it also puts your site’s users at risk for clicking on a link with a virus or unwillingly taking part in a scam. Bottom line, you’ll want to sort through what’s a real reply and what’s just junk if you’re going to enable commenting.
3. You can expect rudeness and criticism.
When you ask people for their opinions, you’ll get a broad range of responses. While some will offer gratitude for your valuable information, others won’t be as appreciative. If you allow website comments, you’re probably going to receive some rude ones. From curse words and name calling to ignorance and insensitivity, many individuals don’t shy away from speaking their minds. You’ll want to make sure that no one is abusing the system and that can be a pain. Plus, it may be depressing to read through all that negativity. Whether the criticism is constructive or not, it can still be discouraging. If you can’t take the heat, then don’t take the comments.
Running a blog or website can be a tough job, but it can also be very rewarding. When you take the time to write posts and inform your readers, you’ll almost certainly feel a sense of satisfaction. Depending on how you look at it, enabling comments can either increase or decrease that satisfaction. If you’re thinking of allowing commenting on your site, you’ll want to keep all of the advantages and disadvantages in mind. Use the pros and cons on this list to help you figure out if the comment option is right for you. Ultimately, your blog or website is your own and you can choose how to use it. Think it over and determine if enabling comments is the best decision for your site.