With a huge number of different Web hosting companies to choose from, finding the right one can be a tough call. However, finding a suitable hosting package for your website is one of the most important decisions that you’ll ever make pertaining to your online business venture. After all, your website is analogous to a shop window, so you’ll need to pay attention to every detail from the hosting company you choose to the design and content itself. Although price will typically be the first factor that most people take into account, it should not be a deciding factor. Other essential factors include the technical specifications of the hosting provider, its performance, uptime and customer support among others. In this article, we’ll take a brief look at some of the world’s best web hosting providers.
1 – Dreamhost
Although certainly not one of the cheapest Web hosting providers out there, Dreamhost is one of the few companies that offer a practically unlimited hosting option. They guarantee and uptime of 100% as well, so your website will be on air every hour of every year. Costing $8.95 per month, Dreamhost also provides unlimited disk space and bandwidth (subject to a fair-use policy), unlimited email accounts and 24/7 customer support via live chat, Twitter and email. The hosting company also provides a 1-click WordPress Installer for those wanting to use the world’s most popular content management system.
2 – HostGator
One of the largest hosting companies, HostGator is also among the more affordable, not least because they frequently offer some generous promotions for new customers. The regular hosting fees start at $4.96 per month. HostGator offers unlimited disk space and bandwidth and a variety of packages for different users. They provide reseller hosting, VPS hosting and dedicated servers for more demanding online businesses such as larger e-commerce venues. Novice Web designers will also be able to make use of their free website builder Weebly. HostGator also provides cPanel and application hosting for WordPress, Joomla, Drupal and Magento.
3 – InMotion
Another popular hosting company, one of the main selling points of InMotion Hosting is its high performance. Its servers use solid state drives to provide faster content delivery, and it maintains an uptime of 99.99%. The cheapest business hosting packages start at $4.89 per month, and there are also packages available for VPS hosting, dedicated servers and resellers. As with many mainstream hosting companies, InMotion also provides one-click installation for a variety of popular content management systems including WordPress, Drupal, Joomla and Prestashop among others.
4 – Bluehost
Bluehost is often considered to be the go-to hosting company for those using the WordPress content management system, and its hosting package is optimised specifically for the platform. It is also a suitable option for small businesses thanks to its one-click installation of the Mojo Marketplace e-commerce platform. Powering around two-million websites around the world, Bluehost provides complete hosting packages from as little as $3.49 per month. They also offer a website migration service for $99.99 and 1-on-1 training for beginner Web designers for $29.99 per month.
5 – GoDaddy
One of the largest hosting companies in the world, GoDaddy provides everything that both experienced and novice Web designers need to build a website. All of its hosting packages provide unlimited storage and bandwidth as well as free setup. They provide a free website builder, unlimited emails and a range of useful tools and other products including SSL certificates and mobile access. GoDaddy is also a major domain name registrar, allowing you to purchase bulk domains, browse through domain auctions and flip domains. They frequently offer special promotions with lower prices for the first twelve months, with their regular prices starting from around $3.20 per month.
6 – SiteGround
Offering a variety of Web hosting services and domain name registration with an extensive range of TLDs including .eu, .us and .nl among many paid generic and country-specific TLDs, SiteGround services over quarter of a million domains around the world. The hosting company provides free domain names for those using their hosting services, round-the-clock technical support and an uptime of 99.9%. They also offer a special price for new customers, with their regular prices starting at €3.95 per month for 10GB of Web space, a single website and up to approximately 10,000 monthly visitors. SiteGround offers a dependable service and adequate specifications for start-ups, affiliates and smaller businesses.