Today’s internet users have an inherent desire to be constantly connected to their wants and needs. Routinely on the internet or mobile devices, the use of social media has rapidly grown over the past decade. As an affiliate marketer, the use of social media should absolutely be considered when formulating your online marketing strategies. In this article, I’ll be discussing how to implement social media into your online marketing strategy and why it’s so important for you to do it. Each social platform is unique and has a unique audience and maximizing your user outreach across multiple platforms will increase the likelihood of your success.
How To Implement Social Media With Facebook Marketing
If you utilize and execute the correct strategies, affiliate marketing on Facebook can be profitable. Facebook provides the largest overall audience online, offering enormous potential for those who chose to advertise on in. With over a billion people using it across the globe, the clientele potential for your affiliate marketing website is practically endless.
As an affiliate marketer, you will be concerned about “likes” and “shares” while operating on Facebook. The two are fairly self-explanatory. Receiving a “like” on a post means that a user approved of your post. Sharing your post means a user shared your post for their friends to see. This system is unique to every user – meaning, if a user shares your post to their friends, then THEIR friends can like or share it. It is this ripple effect that you seek while promoting your affiliate marketing goals on Facebook.
As this process occurs, you make connections with users interested in your websites. They may “follow” your page on their own, or they may visit your affiliate marketing websites more frequently. Both bode very well for your affiliate marketing strategy. The ultimate goal of generating traffic on Facebook is to direct users to your affiliate marketing website.
When trying to build a genuine following on your Facebook page, you should provide entertaining, worthwhile content. You do not want to be too “pushy” with your marketing website; instead, you should peak users’ interest and make them WANT to visit your website. While one-time hits on your website are nice, users that frequently drive traffic to your website are even better!
How To Implement Social Media With Twitter
The user base of Twitter is second only to Facebook, with over 300 million estimated monthly visitors. As you may know, Twitter allows users to send short messages (140 character “tweets,” to be exact) as a straightforward way to share information. Twitter is great for learning about users’ likes, interests, and online activity. If you are looking to educate the market about your brand and have a greater understanding of the customers in your industry, Twitter could prove beneficial for you.
Your Twitter should not be a barrage of sales pitches. Your goal is to engage and connect with users so that they are enticed to visit your affiliate marketing website. The sales pitch really should not occur on Twitter. Building networks of users on Twitter will allow you to promote relevant content that is perceived as worthwhile. The interactions you have with your users should prompt them to visit your affiliate site, where they can then be sold.
VIDEO: How To Use Twitter For Affiliate Marketing
- IN DEPTH: Simple Ways To Gain Twitter Followers
How To Implement Social Media With With Instagram
Users are big fans of visual content, and love sharing their pictures and videos with their friends. Visual content can be a tremendous advantage, and as a social media platform, Instagram is the primary way to do so. Every 24 hours, over 70 million photos and videos are posted to Instagram! As one of the fastest growing social media platforms, it should be used in conjunction with your Facebook and Twitter posts – although tempting due to its ease, it should not be used exclusively as your social media marketing platform.
Your profile should promote your BRAND. Your brand builds credibility and spreads your reputation, in turn building your following of users. You want to avoid spam and the hard-sell. Your goal is to sell ideas and appeal to the emotional side of users. An image that is brandable will hopefully drive traffic back to your affiliate marketing website.
VIDEO: How To Use Instagram For Affiliate Marketing
Snapchat Affiliate Marketing
Speaking of visual content, it’s worth mentioning Snapchat, who recently reached the 100 million user mark. Building a platform of followers can prove to be a little more difficult with Snapchat, as it is mostly used by people under 35. However, the perk to Snapchat is that photos and videos can only be viewed once, unless they are placed on your Story, where they expire after 24 hours. This allows you to “tease” products and make exclusive offers that are good for one-day only. Snapchat will allow you to connect with your users on a more personal level, which can prove to be a very effective affiliate marketing strategy.
VIDEO: How To Use Snapchat For Affiliate Marketing
Social Media Can Fit Into Your Online Marketing Strategy
As the internet evolves, successful affiliate marketers will adjust their strategies accordingly. With social media playing a more important role in online users’ lives, affiliate marketers should not miss out on the potential that the platforms have to offer. Wealthy Affiliate is a great resource that offers a slew of helpful information in regards to using social media to increase your affiliate marketing brand. We recommend checking out their website to gain a more in-depth explanation of the benefits of implementing social media into your online marketing strategies.
Affiliate marketers seek to grow their user platform. Successful social media marketing will utilize multiple social media platforms that cross-reference each other, build your following, and ultimately grow your email list. Although it will take time to build an engaged audience, carving out your niche will provide a wealth of knowledge regarding demographics and buying patterns.