When you’re putting your time, effort, and creativity into a WordPress website, you should only trust the best WordPress Hosting Companies to host it. WordPress web hosting companies are in charge of the technology behind making your website or blog viewable on the web, so they’re essentially in charge of getting you the views and the visitors that make all of your work worthwhile. Going with subpar WordPress Web Hosting Companies may lead to fewer views, fewer followers, and a lot more work on your part simply in order to make what you’ve written and designed viewable and simple to find.
The top WordPress web hosting companies in the field today will give your content and your website a boost in multiple ways. They may make the building process simple for beginners, they may assist you with content creation by using Google Analytics tools to show you how to better develop your content, they may provide for you a scalable platform that allows you to grow, or they may even support more than one website using the same subscription package. With the importance of the best WordPress web hosting companies in today’s modern world, they’re doing more and more to make your WordPress experience a great one.
How To Find The Top WordPress Web Hosting Companies
Now that you know the importance of finding the top WordPress web hosting companies, how will you go about finding them? There are a plethora of different WordPress web hosting companies out there, all of which claim to be better than the rest, so it can be tough to search them all out and determine which would actually best suit your specific need. Perhaps you’re looking for something for a beginner, or maybe something scalable for your growing blog or business – regardless of your need, there is a best out there for you. Of course, the best way to determine which will fit your need the most is through heavy research, but this can be time-consuming and overwhelming with all of the different providers vying for your business.
I’ve compiled the top 3 WordPress web hosting companies for you to compare and contrast, making the search and the effort quite a bit simpler. Each of these 3 companies prides themselves on different aspects of the WordPress web hosting service, and each provides different offerings to best suit your need.
WP Engine
I want to start off with WP Engine for one simple reason – it’s one of the very best WordPress web hosting companies or beginners, for those experienced in web building, and everyone in between. WP Engine looks after your content, your security, and your entire experience, with scalable front-end technology that keeps your website or blog running 4 to 6 times faster than the average. A few specific perks of WP Engine’s services include:
- Content creation help – For bloggers, particularly those in affiliate marketing or sponsored blogging, you really rely on your content. WP Engine can provide you with just the content assistance you need to build a blog or website, showing you what content works, what doesn’t, and what you can do to improve. By using these Google Analytics tools, you can shape your content to your audiences and make your website or blog simpler to search and find all at the same time.
- Security – WP Engine also prioritizes security for all of its packages. One must that should always be a priority for those looking for WordPress web hosting companies is security, and WP Engine takes security very seriously. Your hosted website or blog will be monitored 24/7 to stop you from experiencing embarrassing or damaging hacking incidents, and faux visitors or bots will be blocked from accessing your site. Not only does this provide you a safer and more confident experience, but it also a faster one as well with less bot traffic clogging your website.
- Customer support – Customer support is also a top priority for WP Engine. If you’re a beginner who needs help learning to build your website, your questions are answered 24 hours per day and 7 days per week. Customer support never takes a day off, and they handle everything from small questions to any bigger technical problem you may run in to.
Host Gator is an excellent pick for beginner webmasters and bloggers just starting out in affiliate marketing or web building. A few top features of HostGator include:
1 free site transfer – If your website or blog is already built, you have a 1 time transfer through HostGator to get your website on your new hosting provider services.
Reliable – HostGator is one of the more reliable WordPress web hosting companies out there, with an average of only 1 hour of downtime per year. Choosing HostGator can help you to feel completely confident that your website or blog will be up when you need it most, and that your efforts are always paying off.
Fast – HostGator also boasts fast loading times, and the faster your website or blog is able to load, the more likely it is to keep your organic traffic coming back.
Lastly, we have SiteGround, which is one of the best WordPress web hosting companies to grow your brand with much like WP Engine. A few SiteGround features include:
Stable speed – Not only will your website or blog be fast with SiteGround, but it will be reliably fast. The same stable speeds can be counted upon and will help your visitors to keep coming back.
Various subscription plans – SiteGround offers various subscription plans and is one of the many WordPress web hosting companies to do so. With these varied plans, you can choose the plan that best suits your specific need.
Highly rated customer support – The support offered by SiteGround comes highly rated by users. Customers can access customer support at any time with any related inquiry, and trust that they’ll get the best possible answer to their question or concern.