Five years ago, everyone was talking about how to properly use SEO for affiliate marketing. Sure, affiliate marketers are still leveraging Google and other search engines, but diversification has never been more important. Search engines are constantly changing their algorithms and how they rank websites. While your affiliate site may be ranking well today, that doesn’t mean it will still be ranking well next month. Relying solely on search engines can be a devastating mistake.
Besides, if you ignore social media, you are essentially allowing your competition to scoop up all that traffic while you get nothing. What if I told you that by being active on social media, you could grow your traffic 800 fold and obtain 5 million views per month just from social media traffic sources? Read this story about how it actually happened.
Listed below are the top 5 tips for affiliate marketing using social media.
#5: Use Images Properly
By now, it’s no real secret that Facebook posts with images receive a lot more engagement. Current studies show more than 100% increased engagement when images are used. You’ve also by now seen what is called a “meme”, which are just images with fun or interesting text on them. Here’s an example of what I’m talking about…
Meme’s are extremely popular. People are far more likely to comment, “like”, or share a meme than any other type of image. When people hit the like button, comment, or share, this triggers the Facebook algorithm to how the post to even more people. As more people like and share the image, things snowball, and it can literally go viral.
The one thing to be cautious of here is taking other peoples meme’s and images without their permission. At the very least, you should ask or attribute the image to the owner in your post. However, there’s another neat trick you can use. Just go to Google Images and perform an image search. Once there, hit the little gear icon in the upper right corner of the search and click on “Advanced Search”. You can then scroll down to the “usage rights” drop down menu and only show images that are free to use or share. You should be able to find 100’s of free images that you can simply edit to create a meme with. If you are looking for a simple and free online photo editor that will enable you to do this, check out That’s the one I usually use.
#4: Be Active
Make sure your social media accounts stay active. The more active you are, the more exposure you will get and the more followers you will naturally acquire over time. Also be sure to stay active in the commenting sections. If someone replies to a tweet or an image on Facebook, be sure to respond. This helps to build a community of followers that you can interact with and build trust. As an affiliate marketer, your ultimate goal is to make money. But is it easier to sell products and services to strangers or people you talk to on a regular basis? In addition to the monetary potential, interacting with people in your niche industry helps you to get inside the minds of your target audience. You can learn what they want, what they don’t like, and what they wish already existed. The more you learn about your target audience, the better you will become at marketing to them and showing them products or services that will actually make their lives better or easier.
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#3: Compliment Others In Your Industry
Everyone likes a compliment. In fact, people like compliments so much they usually share it with their friends and followers! Use this to your advantage. It’s important for you to know who the big players are in your niche. For example, my website is about affiliate marketing. There are literally 10’s of thousands of affiliate marketers that are earning a full-time living. I could create a blog post about “The 10 Most Successful Affiliate Marketers In 2014” or “Affiliate Marketers Who Inspired Me” or any other list I decide to create. Once I’ve written an article and put it on my site, I can share it all over my social media accounts. But here’s the kicker – I would also send a message to all the affiliate marketers on my list with a link to the article. Just about every one of them will share it with their followers. Doing this on a regular basis can literally send thousands (even tens or hundreds of thousands) of visitors to your website every month while simultaneously helping to build your own following.
#2: Tell People What To Do
This might sound a bit rude, but it’s true. Through many of my own first hand experiences, it has become obvious to me that people actually like being told what to do. If you post a picture of a cute little puppy, several people will probably like it, comment, or share it with friends. But what if you posted the same picture and said, “Click LIKE if you would snuggle with this puppy!” I can guarantee that you would get more “likes” by adding that phrase.
This can be used for comments and shares as well. You could say something like, “if you like dogs click like, if you like cats click share, if you like both comment!” Sounds pretty cheesy, right? Well, it works!
You could also say something like, “Comment and tell us what we should name this adorable puppy!”
There are many ways to “bait” your audience so they interact. You just need to put the bait out there.
#1: Be Genuinely Helpful, Interesting, Or Entertaining
Another mistake I see many affiliate marketers make on social media is thinking a bit too much about the money. You can’t just put up a bunch of post everyday that are essentially advertisements. It gets old fast and most people view it just as bad as spam. It’s ok to throw in some relevant ads once in a while, but the majority of your posts and updates on social media should not contain affiliate links or links to sales pages on your website. This is especially true for new affiliate marketers who have only recently established a following. Build trust first and monetize later.
I often talk about the CTPM process for developing a website, but this same exact process can be used on social media. If you’re not aware of what the CTPM process is, I highly encourage you to read more here.