When you’re running a blog, it’s important to post content regularly to keep people coming back again and again. However, maintaining your posting schedule isn’t always easy if you have writer’s block. A lack of ideas often leads to a lack of articles for many individuals. Fortunately, it’s simple to conquer that problem once and for all if you know a few tricks. Here are 10 tips for overcoming writer’s block as a blogger.
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1. Set aside some extra time.
Some people just don’t work well under pressure. If you’re trying to force the words onto the page within a short period of time, you may feel overwhelmed. Set aside a little extra time to collect your thoughts and type them out as they come to you. You may find that you weren’t really blocked after all, rather, you simply weren’t inspired. Writers do their best when they are inspired to write.
2. Relax.
When you feel tense, you’re much more likely to have a case of writer’s block. Take a minute or two before you start writing to breathe slowly and deeply. You might even consider repeating a positive mantra like “I can do this.” You may feel a little silly doing it, but that doesn’t matter if it eases your tension. Just relax and let the words spill out onto the page.
3. Eliminate distractions.
Some people think they have writer’s block, but they really just need to get rid of distractions. It’s hard to focus on the task in front of you if there’s too much going on in the background. Turn off the TV and loud music. Ignore your emails and texts for a few minutes. Everything will still be there when you get done. Make writing your top priority for the moment.
4. Go for a walk in the fresh air.
Sometimes writer’s block can hit in the middle of a post. You were moving along just fine and suddenly you can’t find the words. If that’s the case, it may be helpful to go for a brief walk outside. When you increase your blood flow, you can get your creative juices flowing as well. A short walk could be just what you need to break up your block. I go for at least 1 walk per day and sometimes two. My dog doesn’t seem to mind going with me and I know I am in better physical and mental health because of it. Keep the body moving and your mind will work better.
5. Make a list of ideas.
It can be tough to come with an idea at a moment’s notice. If you’re trying to come up with a topic whenever you sit down to write, you’re probably spending most of your time looking at a blank screen. There’s an easy fix for this problem. Buy a small notebook that you can carry with you everywhere you go. Whenever inspiration strikes, jot down your idea. Keep that notebook handy and you’ll never forget what you were thinking about when it’s time to write. You can refer to one of the ideas on your list and you’ll have a post finished in no time. I personally use the notepad on my iPhone to jot down ideas. I think of topic ideas at the most random times of the day no matter where I am but always forget if I don’t write them down. Doing this simple step has resulted in hundreds of article ideas that I have actually used.
6. Try a change of scenery.
Most of us have a designated place for writing like an office or the kitchen table. However, switching to a new location may help to ease your writer’s block. A new environment can stimulate your brain activity and help you see things in a whole new light. You could even write on your front porch or a park bench if the weather’s nice. A change of scenery may make all the difference in terms of creativity. That’s why most major marketing companies have several different “idea rooms” or “creative rooms” where marketers can go and uncover amazing marketing material.
7. Create a set writing schedule.
If you tend to write at a different time every day, you could be setting yourself up for writer’s block. It’s hard to develop a consistent writing pattern if your schedule is all over the place. Your mind will never know if it’s time for work or play. Instead, try to write your articles at a set time. After a week or so, your brain will adjust and you’ll go into writing mode whenever you sit down. It’s a simple way to get yourself back on track with your posts. When you are writing, make sure you avoid all emails, phone calls, and let your family know you are not to be disturbed unless it is an emergency. Writing time should be spent 100% on just that – writing.
8. Make an outline.
Creating an outline is a great way to know where you’re going with a post before you even begin. You can use bullet points to jot down the key facts you want to cover. When you actually write your article, you’ll have a good chunk of it already in place. You’ll just need to flesh out the details a bit on each point. You can even turn those points into numbers and include them in your post. Top 10 lists are very popular on a variety of websites and blogs. An outline with numbers is the easiest way to start one of those articles.
9. Stop thinking and start writing.
If you wait for the perfect words to come to you, they probably never will. Sometimes you just have to go for it. Stop worrying about wording everything perfectly. After all, you can always go back and change whatever you don’t like. The main goal is to complete a rough draft of your post. Start typing and see where your fingers take you. When you’re finished, read through your text and decide what doesn’t fit. However, you’ll probably find that your article will only need minimal editing. Trust your first instinct and you’ll create a quality post every time.
10. Don’t get burned out.
Perhaps you once wrote articles with ease, but now things seem to have stalled. The problem may be burnout rather than writer’s block. If that’s the case, it might be best to step away from the computer screen and take a breather. Hand off writing duties to a guest blogger for a day or two. Post a couple articles from the Constant-Content archives. It’s important to rest your mind so it can keep coming up with brilliant ideas. You don’t have to take a full-fledged vacation. Even a day may be enough to make a difference. Remember that refreshing your brain can recharge your blog.
Writer’s block is a common dilemma for many writers. However, it’s easy to solve the problem if you follow a few simple guidelines. Try using these tips for overcoming writer’s block as a blogger. You’ll be pumping out posts again in no time at all!