Search engine optimization is not just about modifying your website and its content in order to attract more visibility in the search engines. You can also apply SEO to every other area of your content marketing strategy, and optimizing video content for SEO is no exception. With Google Video Search steadily becoming more popular and YouTube being the world’s second-most visited website, it shouldn’t be difficult to see why there is so much potential in tapping into the enormous audience that video content for SEO can provide. Video content also remains the content format of choice for many people.
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Video Filenames Are Important To Video Content SEO
When you record a video, the device will typically name each file using the date it was recorded by default, and this information alone isn’t of much use to the viewer or the search engines which are trying to identify the topic of the content. Instead of using default filenames, you should use a keyword-friendly name targeting one or more keywords which closely relate to the subject matter of the content. This is very similar to file names for website pages or blog posts, only we are going to apply this file name to our video content for SEO purposes. In exactly the same way as image search engines work, video searches also rely partly on the filename to determine what the content is about.
Video Titles Are A Key Factor When Creating Video Content For SEO
As is the case with image content, having a suitable title to accompany your videos is essential for telling the viewer what it is about and is also a key factor in video content for SEO. The title will almost always be the first piece of textual information that people see pertaining to your videos, and it should clearly introduce the subject matter of the content. You’ll have a little more flexibility with titles than you do with filenames, so be sure to use a keyword-rich yet user-friendly title which will draw the attention of your target audience and not just the search engines themselves. When performing video content SEO, you must take both the users and search engines into consideration.
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Have A Detailed & Keyword Focused Video Description
Oftentimes, people do not want to bother viewing a video, particularly if it is quite a long one, without reading the description first. The description is an often overlooked factor with video content SEO. Having optimized descriptions to accompany your videos will benefit both your standing with the search engines as well as your viewers. As is the case with your titles, you should include your targeted keywords in your description, but it is essential not to use them excessively, lest your efforts end up being counterproductive. The description should ideally include your website address as well.
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Video Categories and Tags For Increasing Search Visibility
YouTube allows you to assign tags to your videos in order to help them show up in the website’s search results as well as in other search engines. These tags help to categorize your content, and they are a very important factor in search engine content for SEO and helping your audience to find your content as a result. Choose your tags based on three to five keywords closely related to your subject matter which you want to target. You can separate multiple tags by using quote marks. Other video sharing and marketing sites provide a similar functionality which can also boost your video content SEO efforts.
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Video Visibility and Promotion For Optimal SEO Effects
YouTube, along with many other video sharing services, provides privacy settings allowing you to choose who can see your video content and how. Obviously, if you are using video content for SEO marketing purposes, you’ll want to make sure that it can be viewed publicly so that it shows up in the search results. You should also increase visibility of your videos by posting them on your own blog or website and linking to them on your social media profiles. Don’t forget that any kind of content marketing should work together with social media and other areas of your video content for SEO campaign.
Videos present a great alternative to text- and image-based content, and there is no reason to be turned away due to thinking that your video content will not get enough search engine exposure. In fact, there is no reason why video content shouldn’t get just as much exposure, if not more, than your main website.
Creating video content for SEO is of huge benefit to your visitors and also yourself, because you are still ahead of the curve. Get involved with video content for SEO purposes now and you won’t be “catching up” later with everyone else.